Pilot Cadetship Privacy Statement

Last updated on 20 May 2024

Air New Zealand is committed to safeguarding your privacy and ensuring the security of your personal information. This privacy statement outlines how Air New Zealand collects, uses, and discloses your information if you have submitted a formal application to us for the Mangopare Air New Zealand Pilot Cadetship Programme.

For information on how Air New Zealand handles information about customers, please see our privacy statement here.

Information we collect

We collect information about you when you apply for the Pilot Cadetship Programme. This information may include your contact details, identity documentation, prior work history, education record or academic transcripts, your hobbies or interests, security information, and information that supports your right to work in New Zealand.

Most information is collected directly from you, but we may also collect information about you from third parties after seeking your permission to do so. This includes:

  • People or agencies you’ve nominated to provide you with a reference. We will only contact the person you have nominated and will let you know if they are not available or unsuitable based on our requirements for referees.
  • If you are already an Air New Zealand employee or have been a previous employee, we may also collect information about you from our People Management Systems (e.g., performance, leave records). We may also contact your current or previous managers to provide you with a reference.
  • The New Zealand Ministry of Justice (or similar bodies if you are an international applicant or have lived overseas) to check if you have a criminal history.
  • The New Zealand Transport Agency to check your demerit point and suspension history
  • Aviation security specialists, such as the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) in New Zealand.
  • Health professionals to obtain relevant medical information.
  • Agencies conducting pre-employment alcohol or drug screening on our behalf
  • Agencies conducting psychometric/workplace testing on our behalf.
  • Education or other professional agencies to verify qualifications.

We may collect information about you from public sources, including internet search results and social media sites available to the general public.

During the candidate selection process, we may create records about you, such as taking notes during a job interview, to better understand and document your qualifications and suitability for the position.

Through the recruitment process we may collect certain sensitive information about you, including information about your health, ethnicity, or criminal history. We take extra care when collecting this information and only collect this information where it is relevant to the application process or the specific role you are applying for.

Most of the information we request is mandatory when you apply. If you don’t provide us with this information, or do not consent to reasonable vetting requests, your application may not be processed. We will let you know where requested information is voluntary to provide (e.g., your gender or ethnicity). Information related to your gender or ethnicity is not used to determine your suitability for this programme.

If your application for Pilot Cadetship is successful, we will collect information from our training partners about your training. This could include feedback about you, training records, and certifications and licenses achieved.

How we use your information

We use your information:

  • To communicate with you – we use your personal information to contact you. This could be by email, phone, or text.
  • To assess your suitability for the cadetship – This includes reviewing your experience, skills, qualifications, other eligibility factors, and interest in the programme. It also includes carrying out background and other suitability checks. Some of these processes may involve the use of AI and Automated processing. We will let you know when you are engaging with these processes.
  • To set-up and manage your cadetship – If your application for Pilot Cadetship is successful, we will use the information you have provided to enrol you into the cadet programme and populate your training file. Your information will then be used to administer and deliver the training programme including but not limited to preparing and executing your contract, provide you with the resources and equipment needed, granting you access to relevant system and facilities, identify your training and development needs and manage your health safety and wellbeing during the course of the programme.
  • To on-board you – If you are offered employment with Air NZ post successful completion of the Pilot Cadetship, we will use the information you have provided, and your cadetship training records to onboard you and to populate your employee file. Your information will then be managed in accordance with our Employee Privacy Statement.
  • To assess your suitability for future opportunities – We may use and retain the information you provided to assess your suitability for future opportunities. If you do not wish to be contacted about other opportunities, you can request to be removed from our talent pipeline by emailing us at pilot.recruitment@airnz.co.nz.
  • To analyse and improve our recruitment activity – We use your personal information for statistical analysis and to help us understand more about our applicants and recruitment processes. When we do this, we do so on a de-identified and aggregated basis.

Sharing your information with third parties

We share your information with trusted third parties to help us run our recruitment, applicant vetting processes and the cadetship training programme. Sometimes these relationships mean that we need to transfer your information outside of New Zealand. When we do this, we take steps to ensure that your information and rights are protected. We value your privacy and do not sell personal information to third parties for any form of compensation.

Third parties we share information with include:

  • Service providers – we may provide your information to our trusted service providers who support us in delivering the Pilot Cadetship Programme. For example, this can include:
    • service providers to make our recruitment process more effective and efficient. This includes things like tracking applications, performing vetting and background checks, and delivering the training to successful applicants.
    • Aviation training partners to deliver and manage pilot training.
    • Financial partners in the event you require lending to fund your pilot training.
    • Our professional advisors, such as lawyers and consultants.
  • Authorised individuals and organisations – Where you have given us your permission, we may share your personal information with other individuals and organisations. For example, when we contact your provided referees or complete vetting checks with third parties like the Ministry of Justice.
  • Law enforcement and regulators – Information may be shared with government agencies and authorities, law enforcement officials, or law courts on request or otherwise if we believe disclosure is permitted by applicable law, regulation, or legal process or in the interest of public health and safety and the maintenance of the law.

Keeping your information

We only keep your information for as long as we believe is reasonably necessary. We review the personal information we hold and delete it securely, or in some cases anonymise it, when there is no longer a legal or business need for it to be retained.

Our employees receive privacy training to build a culture of care around how personal information is handled. We also have dedicated privacy and cyber security teams to keep your personal information safe while we are holding it. We have implemented security and privacy measures and processes to minimise the risk of unauthorised use or disclosure of information. For more information on our cyber security practices please see our Cyber Security Hub.

Please note that if you complete the Pilot Cadetship Programme, your training records may also need to be held by our aviation training partners in accordance with their Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) requirements.

Contact us

We respect your rights to manage the information about you that we hold. You have the right to:

  • access information we hold about you, including, where available, in a portable format.
  • correct any inaccurate information we hold about you.
  • restrict our use of your information.
  • request that we delete your information, stop processing it or stop collecting it (in some circumstances).
  • withdraw consent for any consent-based processing.
  • complain to your data protection regulator. As a New Zealand-based company, our primary regulator is the New Zealand Office of the Privacy Commissioner.

If you would like to exercise your privacy rights or have a question about this statement or the way your information is processed, you can contact us via email at. recruitment@airnz.co.nz. You may also contact us via post by addressing your letter to Talent and Recruitment, 185 Fanshawe Street, Auckland CBD, Auckland 1010. Please note that we may need to take extra steps to verify your identity. This might involve asking you some security questions or checking your identity documents. Please understand that we do this to protect your privacy.

When you request access to your information, we’ll do our best to be open with you. There might be times when we can’t share certain details. For instance, if someone gave us confidential feedback about you (like a job reference). If we do hold back any information, we’ll explain why. Similarly, if you ask us to correct information but we don’t agree that the information is inaccurate, we will tell you why. In such cases, you can request that a statement of correction is added to your file. If we can’t delete information when you ask us to because our legal obligations require us to keep it, we can explain why.

Air New Zealand respects your privacy rights and will not treat you unfairly for using them. Please note that if you choose to not provide requested personal information, limit how we use your information, or withdraw your consent for us to process your information, we may not be able to process your application.

Changes to this statement

We may change this statement from time to time, to reflect how we collect, use, or store your information. If we make significant changes to our processes, then we will take appropriate steps to bring this to your attention.